Blood Drive Campaign Webinar Kick-off With Dr. Monique & Valerie Mele

Both panelists at the blood drive campaign webinar

On February 16, 2023, the International WeLoveU Foundation hosted the Blood Drive Campaign Webinar Kick-off. The webinar, featuring guest speakers Monique Bowman, ND, and Valerie Mele, PA-C, informed viewers of the importance of blood donation and how to prepare for successful blood donation. 

WeLoveU Executive Director Duane Ford introduced the International WeLoveU Foundation, its various initiatives, and the upcoming blood drives in Delaware, Maryland, and New York. He also described the current critical and growing need for blood in the United States. Both guests reemphasized this point as well. 

Dr. Monique explained that blood can’t be produced outside the body and said anyone could need a blood transfusion. She also mentioned that the summer and winter months are when blood donations are needed most, as there is a decrease in blood donations during those times. Also, blood type O negative, which can be rare in the general population, can be more common amongst minorities. This shows just how important it is for everyone who is eligible to participate. 

Physician’s Assistant Valerie Mele, a frequent blood donor, mentioned some basic requirements for donation, such as age, height, and weight — some of which may vary state-by-state — and a healthy diet. She expounded on the timelines for donating blood. Someone can donate whole blood once every 56 days. This is because it takes about 4-6 weeks for the body to replenish after donating whole blood. Plasma, however, can be replenished in 24 hours. A double red donation, or a power red donation, in which a machine filters out only the red blood cells, taking twice as much as a standard donation, takes 14-16 weeks to replenish. 

Dr. Monique shared tips on how to prepare for a successful blood donation. Diet can be essential when preparing for blood donation. Cutting back on diuretics like coffee will help ensure someone isn’t dehydrated. Coconut water and juicy fruits and vegetables are also good for someone preparing for a successful blood donation. 

Stay tuned for more health webinars in 2023 by visiting WeLoveU’s webinar page.   

2 thoughts on “Blood Drive Campaign Webinar Kick-off With Dr. Monique & Valerie Mele”

  1. This is very informative, it is good to know the necessity of blood donations. It will help me consider how often I should take part in blood donations. Thank you for the information.

  2. JacqueLine Wallace

    I love that we have webinars like this. It’s very informative. I will definitely stay tuned to see what else WeLoveU is doing.

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