Clean WORLD Movement

Five Campaigns. One Clean WORLD.

The International WeLoveU Foundation’s environmental protection initiative is the Clean WORLD Movement that began in 2009. Through it, we hope to attain a clean and safe environment for people worldwide. The acronym “WORLD” stands for Water, Oxygen, Region, Life, and Descendants — components of a healthy habitat. 

Through a hands-on approach of organizing cleanups and webinars, the International WeLoveU Foundation and its volunteers show their determination to have a clean world for the present and future generations. Industrialization, urbanization, and globalization have left a tremendous mark on our world — for the good and bad. Despite these advancements, society has come to neglect the most important gift of all: our environment. A clean environment should not be considered a luxury but a human right. The WeLoveU Foundation encourages all people in the global village to make united efforts to achieve and maintain a clean environment.







Water is life. Nothing can survive without water.

Water shortages cause droughts, famines, and conflicts among peoples and nations. It threatens the survival of humankind. WeLoveU conducts cleanups around beaches, rivers, and streams under the Clean Water campaign to improve water quality, enhance ecosystem resilience, and ease droughts.


Air pollution contributes to global warming.

Polluted air damages respiratory organs and even threatens human survival. Through forest cleanups, tree planting, and more, we work to reduce air pollution and prevent natural disasters.


Humans cannot live alone.

A beautiful community is achievable when we make conscious efforts to clean our neighborhoods hand-in-hand. WeLoveU volunteers clean streets and parks to create a pleasant and bright environment for all neighbors.


A healthy and clean environment is a requisite for a happy life.

WeLoveU encourages friends, families and neighbors in the global village to participate in volunteer service to lead a happy life and help the environment.


Our future depends on our descendants.

It’s important to maintain our ecosystem for the present and future generations. Through environmental campaigns and webinars, WeLoveU educates people and communities on how to care for the environment.


Emergency Relief